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Love Boxes

It's once again time to assemble love boxes for our shut-ins, military, seminarians and college students (undergrads up to 4 years out of high school).

Cash donations are being sought to cover costs for snack and personal items, gift cards and postage.

If you wish to contribute, please put your donation in an envelope marked 'love boxes' and place it in the collection plate or in the mailbox of Cindy Tinnel or Janet Hallfeldt by Sunday, February 1st. 

Please assist us with names and addresses of those to receive by completing the form found in the Sunday bulletin or by calling the Church office.  Let us know if you will deliver the Love Box personally or if we can mail it for you.

Love Boxes will be assembled and available for pick-up on Sunday, February 8th in the upstairs kitchen. 

Earlier Event: February 1
Bleak Midwinter Book Exchange
Later Event: February 18
Season of Lent starts with Ash Wednesday