Ministries At Redeemer
Sundays at Redeemer
Redeemer's Altar
From the moment you enter Redeemer's doors on Sunday morning, you know you've come to a congregation of believers who are pleased to have you with us. We are a "come as you are" congregation, ready to greet new faces and blessed to be able to worship together our Lord Jesus.
With two different services each week and a Sunday School for all ages, Redeemer has something to offer everyone: the good news of Jesus Christ!
Bible Class: 9:45AM | Worship: 8:30AM & 10:45AM
Sunday School
Sunday School at 9:45am
Redeemer has been blessed with many faithful Sunday school teachers who serve the Lord by serving His children every Sunday morning! Sunday School for ages 3 through eighth grade begins at 9:45am (between the early and late worship services).
New students are always welcome! And parents, when you bring your kids, make sure you stay for your Bible study, held each Sunday in the fellowship hall!
And don't forget to grab a hot chocolate for your kids and a coffee for yourself!
High School Youth Group
High school youth meet Wed @ 7:30
uring the school year, Redeemer's high school youth (aka, "Lutheran Youth Fellowship") meets every Wednesday night at 7:30pm (except during the season of Lent when youth group is moved to Mondays at 7:30pm). The youth also meet on Sunday mornings for Bible class.
In addition to Wednesday and Sunday gatherings, the youth will do outdoor events, mission trips and youth gatherings. Active, fun, encouraging...that's Redeemer's LYF!
If you are a high school youth in or around Convoy, you are invited to join with us as we learn of Jesus!
Weekday School
Wednesday night at Redeemer. We call it "Weekday School" and it's been an integral part of Redeemer's ministry outreach for over 50 years!
Weekday School is for kids in 1st grade through 6th grade. A dedicated staff of teachers and helpers make sure that each Wednesday is an exciting offering of Bible stories, games, crafts, musics and snacks.
For our 7th and 8th graders, they have the opportunity to dig deeper into God's Word and into Martin Luther's Small Catechism in our two-year Confirmation course. At the conclusion of this time of study, our "Confirmands" are received as communicant members of the Church and are able to receive Holy Communion. These faith-forming classes will help our youth set a course of faith as they move into high school and adulthood. Classes meet concurrent with Weekday School.